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History and present of the company
AMZ Financial Group, Ltd.

Company profile

The company AMZ Financial Group, sro was established by entry in the Commercial Register on May 30, 2001, kept by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, Insert 83511, Commercial Register .

AMZ Financial Group, sro is a member  Chambers of Commerce of the Czech Republic  (certificate of membership of AMZ Financial Group, sro for download  here ).


The main focus of the company is investment activities and leases of non-residential premises in order to invest in a commercial park, acquire them (rent, repurchase) and further adjusted to a commercial standard to lease them to businesses to establish establishments, or use them to establish their own establishments.

The company also provides staff accommodation in Brandýs nad Labem in its own accommodation facilities.


Subject of business - production, services and trade not listed in Annexes 1 to 3 of the Trade Licensing Act

The company is the owner of the AMZ commercial park in Brandýs nad Labem at Pražská 298, Brandýs nad Labem, postal code 250 01. In this area, commercial premises for business activities are leased to companies. In connection with this, related services are provided to companies. The complex also includes hostels, in which staff accommodation is provided. Other services are provided to entrepreneurs in the AMZ Business Center, where office space is for rent. There is also an office of the Regional Chamber of Commerce of Central Bohemia, which provides comprehensive services for entrepreneurs, including CZECH POINT services.


The company AMZ Financial Group, sro implemented projects within energy saving programs.

Motto: "AMZ - services for entrepreneurs from A to Z."

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